shop CANCELLATION policies + waitlist information

It's so important to us that clients who purchase packages or memberships actually get to use and enjoy them! That's why we have those policies in place so that everyone who intends to take a class can come and get the most of their time and value at The Shop. 


Cancellation Policy

**Beginning OCTOBER 1, all of our class times across all studios will adhere to the same, unified cancellation window of 10 hours. **

Morning + Mid-Day Classes | 5am-3:30pm

If you cancel within 10 hours of the class start time, you will lose the class credit. 
Unlimited package holders will incur a $15 late cancel. 

Evening Classes | 4pm-7:30pm
If you cancel within 3 hours of the class start time, you will lose the class credit.
Unlimited package holders will incur a $15 late cancel.


No shows will incur a $20 fee. 

Why you ask? With limited machines, we want to guarantee that anyone planning on taking class, can take class!  These policies are in place to make things fair for EVERYONE! Just show up for the class you booked or cancel your reservation, so someone else can get cut! 

waitlist info


Let’s talk waitlists!

Don’t be dismayed by the waitlists - it’s normal for there to be waitlists for classes, especially in the couple of weeks leading up to them. Trust us, that does not mean you’re not making it in!

As you’re able, keep those 10 hour and 3 hour windows in mind, depending on what class you’ve got your eye on. Once those windows pass, if anyone signed up for the class drops out, that space becomes available on a first come, first served basis. The system no longer pulls automatically from the waitlist after the cancellation window has passed, so keep an eye out for open spots using the app or website, especially if you live close to a studio or have some flexibility in your schedule.

In a pinch, don’t be afraid to just show up. Butchers will completely understand, and you may just benefit from someone no-showing. Just be prepared for any potential scenario if you go this route.



How will I be notified if I get in off a waitlist?

You will receive an email notification if you make it into a class off a waitlist. We hope to be able to integrate text notifications in the future, but for now our system supports email notifications. Make sure you have email notifications turned on in your account settings, otherwise you will not receive these messages!

If you are on a waitlist for a class and a spot opens up, you’ll be moved in automatically so long as the cancellation window has not passed. For example, if you’re on the waitlist for a 4:15pm class, you could be moved in automatically up until 3 hours of that class. If you’re signed up for a class before 3:30pm, you could be moved in automatically up until 10 hours of the class starting.

How many classes am I allowed to take per day?

Clients with any type of unlimited membership may take up to 1 class per day, as it's important to us to allocate space for as many of our clients as possible!


When is the booking window for classes?

Every Sunday at 2:30PM we release the next week of schedules on a rolling 3 week calendar. So every Sunday at 2:30PM, the schedule three weeks out from that date goes live.

If you can’t get to your app right at 2:30pm, don’t worry! We encourage everyone to sign up when you can and jump on waitlists as you’re likely to be pleasantly surprised by the amount of movement.

booking classes